Enjoy winter while it lasts!
Winter is a very polarizing season. Some love it, and some hate it. But as Canadians, we would all do well to embrace to the winter season – it’s in our blood, and no one does it better than we do. Whether we enjoy winter or not, we sure know how to handle it!
by Brandon Mayer
The joy of the Christmas season can often give way to the January blues. Coming off the “high” of all the celebrations and excitement is a big depressing deal for some. Thankfully, January is over, and February has much to offer here in North Dundas!
Chesterville is lucky to have the walkway over the dam on the South Nation River. It may seen like a small or insignificant piece of infrastructure for those who have lived in Chesterville their whole lives, but it should not be taken for granted. The scenery it offers is absolutely beautiful at this time of year, thanks to all the white fluffy stuff. It reminds us that winter recreation does not have to involve being stuck indoors at commercialized spaces in the city such as trampoline parks. Children can learn so much from exploratory walks in nature, and adults can find so much peace in putting their phones away, even just for an hour or two, and enjoying the great outdoors.
An extremely popular “destination” for residents of all ages this time of year is the Winchester sledding hill. Not to be underestimated, this hill can send someone rocketing toward those signature red cushions at speeds that would put the space shuttle to shame. Oh if we had a dollar for every time we heard an exhausted child lamenting about how “the only thing this place needs is an escalator”. True kid, very true. But also – each climb up the hill is strenuous (and healthy) physical activity that is instantly rewarded with a burst of fun. The sledding hill entertains for hours at a time, and everyone in town should enjoy it!
Looking for something indoors and local? Public skating is well underway in both Winchester and Chesterville. See a schedule appended to this article. And don’t forget about the outdoor rinks in the smaller communities. Public skating is one of the many things our tax dollars pay for locally, and it feels good to take advantage of it.
So what are you waiting for? You may hate winter now, but you’ll miss it when it’s gone, so get out and explore, sled, skate, or come up with your own winter fun!