Local thefts serve as reminder to take precautions
by Brandon Mayer
At least three residents and businesses announced publicly last month that they were victims of theft. In one shocking case, a truck was stolen from the parking lot of one of the Tim Hortons locations in Winchester. In another case, an expensive power bank device was stolen from inside a local resident’s vehicle. In yet another, a construction site on County Road 31 (in the Winchester bypass section) had thousands of dollars of materials stolen on two separate occasions.
In the former case, the individual who made public the news of the theft preferred not to comment as the investigation is ongoing. In the latter case, the victim could not be reached for comment by deadline. Both cases serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting one’s property, particularly considering the rise of thefts recently in North Dundas and beyond.
The Ontario Provincial Police provides the following information to help prevent theft of vehicles or theft from vehicles:
- Park your vehicle in a locked/secure garage, if possible
- Lock the onboard diagnostic port using a simple device (that can be purchased online) that blocks access to where thieves reprogram the vehicle’s key fob
- Use a steering wheel locking device to deter theft
- Invest in an aftermarket global positioning system (GPS) tracker as it may assist in recovery of the vehicle if it is stolen
- When not in use, place vehicle key fob inside a radio frequency shielding bag/pouch to block cell signals
- Consider purchasing a quality video surveillance system and ensure your cameras are properly placed and functioning for 24-hour use
- Always lock all of your vehicle's doors and windows after entering and exiting it
- Never leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running, even for a few seconds – turn off the ignition and take the keys with you
- Never hide a spare key in your car or outside your residence
- Never leave personal identification or valuables in your vehicle
- Remove technologic and other removable accessories from view when not in your vehicle
Precautions in Case of Vehicle Theft
Unfortunately, despite all efforts to prevent vehicle theft, it still occurs. In case of theft, consider taking the following measures in advance:
- Record the year, make, model, and colour of your vehicle, as well as licence plate and vehicle identification numbers, serial numbers for any special equipment, and any dents or scratches that distinguish your vehicle from others
- Drop a business card down the panel doors to assist police with identifying the vehicle's registered owner
Whatever the reason for the rising rates of theft, residents of North Dundas must take precautions in ways that they may not have been accustomed to previously in a “small town lifestyle”. It’s better to be prepared now, than sorry later.